the journey.. step at a time..


it's a day late i guess, but i wanna write a little tribute to my dad for father's day.

my dad has been my hero since i can remember. he is the man i respect most in my life, and the man i look up to the most also. all through the years, my dad has been a man who was always kind, always wise, always giving me gifts, always someone i could go to if i had any questions that needed answers. my dad has always been fun and funny (i remember him always scaring me from behind when at scary / full of suspense parts of a movie -.-), always mind mannered, reasonable and logical.

he has taught me the value of giving freedom within reasonable boundaries, of being able to make my own choices without abusing that privilege, of how to serve others selflessly and consistently, of being reasonable and thinking things through.

my dad and i share a lot in common, from our looks, our habits (which drives my mom nuts sometimes), and the way we think. i guess thats why i get along with my dad so well.

being separated from my dad and my family sucks really bad, and i miss them all a lot. whenever i meet any one of my family, leaving them is like heartbreak all over again. but i know once day we will all be together again and i will look forward to the little periods we have together and to spending eternity with the ppl that i love so much.

to my beloved Pa,

you are everything i've wanted and needed in a father and i thank you for the man that you have been to me all through these years. because of who you are, i can be who i am, both with you and with God. i can see God so much as a loving Father because you have been that loving father that has shown me what it is like. i really miss you and i wish so much that i could stay with you once again, but we all have our different calling and purpose in this life. i look forward every time, to being with you and spending time with you. i love you pa.


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