the journey.. step at a time..

criteria v2..

this season in my life has been amazingly awesome because of the many things God is doing in, around and even through me. my walk has taken on an exponential growth and I'm deeply grateful to God for His grace and faithfulness, and I pray this growth will only get better and better, more and more with time. I want to explore the full depths of intimacy with my Lord and experience what it means to live life at God-speed, with God-power and in a God-plan. many more exciting things coming up ahead for me!

it just occurred to me today as I was sharing that as God has been changing my heart and shifting my paradigms, my criteria for a future partner for life has also changed and "simplified". I now have only 2 major criteria, though my previous list is still preferred. they are:
1. a godly heart that seeks after the Lord and is focused on learning and applying God's word to life
2. a man I can and am willing to submit 100% to for the rest of my life, as the church submits to Christ

sounds a lot simpler than my previous list, but the implications and application points are so much deeper. that's the way God works =P

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